AFDW Fact Sheets

  • Mental Health

    Location: Bldg. 1050, 4th floorPhone: (240) 857-7186Patient Advocate Phone :(240) 857-8233Provides counselling and treatment to address mental health concerns. Services are only available for AD. Please call the mental health clinic to make an appointment.Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention Treatment

  • Military and Family Support Center

    Military & Family Support Center Joint Base AndrewsHours of Operation:Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.The M&FSC serves as a one-stop information and referral center for single, married, active-duty, Guard, Reserves and retired members as well as their families. One of its major functions

  • Military Personnel Division

    Military personnel and force development support section can assist in the following areas:· Promotions· Special awards/trophies and decorations· Evaluations/Air Force advisor· Assignments (STARNOM/CAPNOM)· Force development· Mission readiness training/ formal training· Civilian training· Voluntary