Total Force


Supporting the U.S. Air Force mission together!

BetterUp Coaching

Department of the Air Force (DAF) offers coaching services to Airmen and Guardians to help them pursue and achieve their professional and personal goals. The DAF has partnered with BetterUp Coaching to provide the opportunity to achieve these goals. The BetterUp Coaching program is available for all AFDW employees to participate and is offered on a 4-month basis. AFDW selects the first ten participants (fair selection from each Wing) based on volunteer status. All others not selected are placed on a waiting list for future dates.

Volunteer nomination calls go out via TMT and Cohort selections are distributed by email.

Want to learn more? Click the picture above!


National Mentoring Month (NMM) was launched in January 2002 to connect people invested in the mentoring movement and to help people accomplish their life and professional goals. On 30 December 2021, President Biden proclaimed January 2022 as National Mentoring Month.

A these is established each year and advertised by HAF A1DL and AFDW. Every Airmen and Guardian is unique, and their mentoring journey should be uniquely tailored to fit their personal and professional needs and goals. Interested in participating for the upcoming year? AFDW A1KF, Force Development, holds monthly meetings to plan AFDW's events. Contact us to secure the meeting schedule or to be a part of the Mentoring Working Group!

Become a Mentor today! Sign-up in myVector Now!


AFDW A1 External Training

The AFDW A1 External Training purpose is to provide Deliberate Development and Training to our worldwide customers. Training is executed on the third Tuesday of each month at 1030 (EST). Advertisements are distributed by email to all AFDW Staff and supporting units two weeks prior to the event. Check out the schedule of events below and recordings of training already taken place by clicking the title reflected with a enlightenedbelow.

CY2024 Schedule (Subject to changes based on mission requirements):

Date Title
16 January Diversity / Equity / Inclusion enlightened
20 February Supervisory Training and New Employee Orientation (NEO) Requirements enlightened
19 March Performance: End of Year Closeout (DPMAP) enlightened
16 April SF182, Continued Service Agreements (CSA), and Training Allocations (RIPs) Procedures enlightened
21 May Command Assignments enlightened
18 June Mission Readiness Training Program (MRTP)
16 July Workcenter Training Management utilizing MyLearning and MyTraining Platforms
20 August Civilian Automated Training Input Program (CATNIP)
17 September Performance: Mid-Year Feedback (DPMAP)
15 October Equal Opportunity Programs
19 November AFDW University Overview
17 December Civilian Development Timeline and Q&A





Enlisted Force Development - Action Plan

The Enlisted Force Development Action Plan provides a foundational and future framework for senior leaders’ decisions in the coming years to fully prepare enlisted Airmen to serve America…anytime, anywhere. The plan is designed to provide continuous, career-long enlisted development by integrating deliberate education, training, and experience to produce motivated, proficient, resilient, adaptable, agile, and multi-capable Airmen who fight and excel in Air Force, Joint, Interagency, Intergovernmental, Multinational, and most importantly…contested environments. This is the result of extensive work in which hundreds of Airmen from a diverse cross section of ranks and specialties – representing every Major Command and status (active duty, guard, and reserve) – took on the challenge to envision the 2030 Enlisted Force. The plan highlights the prioritization of needs to develop the Airmen required to fight and win our future wars and defend our country’s interests today. The creation of the Enlisted Force Development Action Plan recognizes those who travel that path must design the runway of our enlisted force’s future. The action plan serves to transform force development from the limitations of the industrial age to leverage the opportunities and capabilities of the modern digital age. The objectives captured within connect enlisted force efforts across the Air Force and Joint Force to provide support to all Airmen – when, where, and how they need it.





This guide defines our enlisted force structure and serves to identify established standards and expectations. It provides the foundation for the enlisted force to meet mission requirements and individual Airman proficiency and competency development, both foundationally and for their specific occupations. The “Brown Book” describes what makes us enlisted Airmen, not merely functional specialists.

Our force is comprised of a diverse group of Airmen in the Profession of Arms. Despite the differences across functional and operational lines, there is a compelling need for a deliberate and standardized approach to force development and career progression as well as the assumption of increased supervisory and leadership responsibilities. Force development synchronizes the pillars of education, training, and experience. Each is complemented by the Air Force Foundational Competencies, career field specific Occupational Competencies, and the Airman Leadership Qualities (ALQs). These provide individuals with a common framework, set of priorities, and expectations based on rank, experience and/or position. Information presented within this guide helps Airmen understand the structure, values, principles, and standards of our enlisted force.


Whoever you are and wherever you fit on the Air Force team, this is your basic guide to our Air Force Core Values. The Core Values exist for all members of the Air Force family - officer, enlisted, and civilian; active, guard, reserve, and retired. The Core Values are much more than minimum standards. They remind us what it takes to get the mission accomplished. They inspire us to do our very best at all times. They are the common bond among all comrades in arms, and they are the glue that unifies the force and ties us to the great warriors and public servants of the past, and guides us into the future. Integrity First, Service Before Self, and Excellence In All We Do. These are the Air Force Core Values. Study them…understand them…follow them…encompass them…and encourage others to do the same. We abide by a Code of Conduct that captures our resolve, while our Airman’s Creed highlights the strength of our diverse Airmen who fly, fight, and win as one Air Force. Wherever you are in your Air Force career, it is a reminder to the meaning of service in our profession - The Profession of Arms.

This guide explains our Joint Force. It is built upon the foundation of contextual knowledge of joint doctrine, the National Defense Strategy, and the National Military Strategy. It clarifies the fundamental questions all Airmen must be able to answer: “How do I fit into the Joint Force, and how can I ensure I hone and deliver my unique capabilities to assure its success?” This guide will help Airmen internalize what it means to fight jointly, understand the missions of the Joint Force, appreciate the joint organizations that are leading the fight, comprehend how to integrate in a joint warfighting environment, and identify how the Air Force fits into the joint construct.

Leaders within the Department of Defense continue to stress the importance of every service member building an understanding of the emerging dangers that face our Nation. All warfighters must acknowledge the threat that our adversaries pose as they attempt to close the gap that presently exists between their capabilities and our own. That can never happen. Our Joint Force is comprised of professional, agile, and adaptable men and women who serve with the highest level of integrity and commitment to their service, the Joint Force, and our Nation.

Information presented within this guide is intended to help Airmen understand the Joint Force. It is also meant to inform joint partners of the capabilities and knowledge that Airmen bring to their Joint Force formations. There are no previous versions of this guide.

Ancillary Training Requirements

Ancillary training contributes to the Air Force's mission accomplishment, but is separate from specialty or occupational training. It is now categorized into Total Force Awareness Training (TFAT), Selected Total Force Awareness Training, and Event Driven Training.

TFAT is a computer and internet-based training sequence designed to encompass the Air Force mandated annual training requirements for all employees. The training is offered on the Air Force myLearning website. TFAT is universal training, guidance, or instruction, regardless of AFSC, that contributes to mission accomplishment. It does not include functional, occupational, or additional duty training. This training is designated as annual TFAT, selected force training or event-driven training and is typically directed by higher-level authorities such as Congress, Department of Defense, or the Office of Personnel Management. Some training is also directed by DAF.

DAFMAN 36-2689, Attachment 6, Table A6.1-A6.3 lists all required training and the frequency of training.

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