Preparing for changes Published July 19, 2007 By Lt. Col. Diane Jones 11th Mission Support Squadron commander BOLLING AFB, D.C. -- I recently took command of the 11th Mission Support Squadron and immediately realized how much "change" is impacting the unit. The many changes in the manpower and personnel career field directly impact all of the entire Air Force family; total force, retirees, dependents and civilians. A few years ago, the Air Force personnel transformation initiative began with implementation of the Personnel Service Delivery. The Virtual Military Personnel Flight, the first of many customer service applications, was a direct result of the PSD transformation. Virtual MPF enables customers to perform many of their actions online, including updating their awards and decorations, personal information and assignment history. The Air Force Contact Center was created to answer questions from the field, eliminating the need for personnel actions to be done within the MPF. Recently, the retirements function went virtual saving customers countless hours at the MPF. Corresponding manpower was cut or realigned to AFPC as part of this PSD transformation. Beginning in fiscal year 2007 the Air Force will see firsthand more consolidation and streamlining efforts at all levels - air staff, major commands and wings will feel the impact of Program Budget Decision 720 manpower cuts. Soon, administration functions from the commander support staffs will be consolidated at the wing level. Like other support units, the11th MSS is currently looking at ways to further streamline our processes due to our PBD 720 cuts. The most recent change is the electronic-based Air Force evaluation system. Besides the electronic signature, the most notable difference is the inclusion of the personal fitness test. All evaluations will state whether the member passed, failed or was exempt from the fitness test. Additionally, the ratee must now sign the evaluation prior to close out. The new evaluations will be mandatory for officers, chief master sergeants and senior airman and below as of Aug. 15; staff sergeants and tech sergeants as of Jan. 1, 2008; master sergeants as of Oct. 1; and senior master sergeants as of Aug. 1. The new performance feedback forms became effective July 11. 11th MSS is here to assist you during the implementation of the new evaluation system. The Bolling MPF is offering mass training sessions in the technology center auditorium, Bldg. 52, July 26 at 8 a.m. and 9 a.m., and July 30 at 8 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. The Pentagon MPF will also be offering mass training sessions. With all the other changes, joint basing efforts are also ongoing. In the midst of all the changes, past and upcoming, the "can-do" attitude of our frontline customer-service troops continues to amaze me.