The compassion of individuals, the power of community Published Oct. 7, 2009 By Maj. Gen. Ralph J. Jodice II AFDW Commander BOLLING AFB, D.C. -- Team AFDW: As the 2009 Holiday season approaches, this is a perfect time to reflect on the good fortune many of us enjoy. This is also an excellent time to focus some of our attention on those around us who are not as fortunate. We can help! I've seen Airmen, soldiers, Marines, sailors; active duty, Reserve, Guard; government civilians and contractors all give of themselves time and again - in the office, on the battlefield, and in the community. We are a community of givers. It is this spirit of selflessness which makes the Combined Federal Campaign so powerful. The CFC is a charity drive that focuses the giving efforts of federal employees so those who need it most can receive the maximum benefit of our generosity. With over 4,000 charities listed in this year's Catalog of Caring, there are organizations which align with almost everyone's personal beliefs, and all support causes bigger than themselves. These charities are all US-based, even though the recipients of those charity dollars may be as far away as overseas, or as close as right next door. The Air Force District of Washington's CFC will officially run from Oct. 5 to Nov. 14. There are key workers identified within every organization in AFDW who can help answer any questions you have, and assist you with making an informed contribution - should you choose to do so. I encourage everyone to become educated on the various charities served by CFC. Please join us on Oct. 2 as we kick off this year's CFC with a rally in the Community Center ballroom featuring live music, exciting speakers, and presentations by some prominent local charity organizations. I look forward to sharing a successful campaign of compassion with each and every one of you.