
We're Ready ... Bring on the CI!

Colonel Jacqueline D. Van Ovost, 89th Airlift Wing commander

Colonel Jacqueline D. Van Ovost, 89th Airlift Wing commander

JOINT BASE ANDREWS, Md. -- Fellow members of the 89th Airlift Wing, our preparations are complete, and we are poised to show the Air Mobility Command Inspector General team arriving Wednesday why "expertise matters" and how our people and programs reflect our motto: "Perfection is the Standard!"

I could not be more proud of our SAM FOX team's accomplishments, mission performance and positive attitude while preparing for the CI and other inspections over the past year. "Experto Crede" is the beginning, not the end, and I'm sure your excellence, extraordinary leadership, and teamwork will be evident to the inspectors as they meet you and review your programs.

Let's strive to stay "in the zone" and approach the actual inspection with the same focus that has prepared us for this day. You have all worked hard to polish our programs to impress the inspectors. Soon we will celebrate the fruits of that labor; but for now, it is show time! So relax a bit and demonstrate SAM FOX. Maintain a positive attitude, display a sense of urgency and pay attention to detail. Those are the keys to both mission and CI success.

Another key to our success is a continued emphasis on safety. We can never afford an accident due to fatigue, inattention, or taking shortcuts. Please be vigilant wingman and actively engage when you see a potential safety issue arise.

Take care of each other and as you lean forward with enthusiasm and a can-do attitude, know you are doing so with the support of thousands of your teammates who value you and your contribution to our mission.

Thank you for all you do, and let's dominate!