Wrecking Waste Published Jan. 25, 2013 By Staff Sgt. Amber Russell 11th Wing Public Affairs JOINT BASE ANDREWS, Md. -- Vast destruction is on the horizon within the U.S. Air Force; Joint Base Andrews is no exception. In a service-wide effort to reduce the carbon footprint by 20 percent, or 15 million square feet, all ineffective facilities are facing demolition between fiscal year 2006 and 2020. The 11th Civil Engineer Squadron has been busting down the Air Force-wide goal since FY 2006, reaching 79 percent completion status in FY 2011. The 11 CES will be bringing down a total of 453,668 square feet. "These buildings are coming down to reduce energy and operations and maintenance costs," said 1st Lt. Shaun Hyland, 11 CES chief of design. "Using space optimization and workspace consolidation of inefficient infrastructure helps us reach our goals." Seventeen buildings planned for demolition over the next few years will either be replaced by more modern buildings or be made into green open areas where vegetation is reestablished. Just last summer, five of the Temporary Lodging Facility buildings took a fall to the wrecking ball. This is now a green, open area. "According to the base general plan, within the next 20 years the future prospects for the space opened by the dormitories will convert building 1656 to a ball field, and buildings 1384 and 1385 will combine the Community Activity Center and the Sports Page," he said. This explosive project will affect a wide-range of facilities throughout Andrews. "There is a storage facility building set to be obliterated February 2013 and made into an open area," said Hyland-Moore. "After the completion of the new gas station on Colorado and F Street in early 2013, the old gas station and canopy will be demolished." Looking ahead, three administration buildings are slated to be bulldozed and consolidated into one building in April 2013. The old heat plant will be recapitalized for an aircraft hangar in June 2013. Additionally, the old hazardous material facility will be made into a warehouse slated for completion July 2013. To conserve energy and keep service members safe, Chapel Three is slated to be completely cleared off JBA. "Due to high amounts of mold and structural cracking, the complete demolition of Chapel Three is planned for May 2013," said Hyland-Moore. "After careful consideration it was deemed cheaper in the long run to demolish the facility rather than spend the funds to repair it." This area will be used for a new industrial building, he said. "In these and future cases, if building replacement is necessary it is done with more energy-efficient, environmentally-friendly facilities with lower maintenance cost," explained Hyland-Moore. "If building replacement is not necessary vegetation will be reestablished for open areas."