AFDW hosts Chaplain Corps Conference

  • Published
  • By Master Sgt. Clara Wise
The Air Force District of Washington Chaplain Office hosted a meeting for over 40 Chaplain Corps members and other Air Force personnel from the National Capital Region Tuesday at the Jacob E. Smart Conference Center on Joint Base Andrews.

Chaplain (Major General) Dondi Costin, Air Force chief of chaplains, and Chief Master Sgt. Dale McGavran, chaplain assistant career field manager, spoke at the meeting, shook hands with attendees and thanked everyone for their dedication and service to our Airmen, their families and the civilians that work alongside them, to ensure the strength of the Spiritual Pillar of Comprehensive Airman Fitness.

"It's a thrill to spend the afternoon discussing the future of the Air Force Chaplain Corps with those who make such a radical difference in the lives of Airmen and their families," said Costin . "As the Air Force rises to meet the challenges of our generation, the Chaplain Corps will be there every step of the way. The Air Force is immensely grateful for the way you care for the spiritual, mental and emotional needs of Airmen doing the Nation's business each day. I'm proud to be on your team."

Other presentations during the day included updates from the two Air Staff Chaplain Office divisions, administration of the Myers-Briggs Type Inventory by a Navy Religious Support Team, and breakout mentoring sessions for chaplains and chaplain assistants. The day concluded with dinner at a local restaurant, giving yet more time for interaction.

Chaplain (Col) Rex Williams, AFDW command chaplain, said, "For our chief of chaplains and career field manager to take time out of their busy schedules to look us in the eye and say ‘thank you for your sacrifices’ is awesome. It's important to get together because although we certainly have a lot in common, we all have slightly--or maybe even vastly--different approaches to ministry. This is an opportunity to hear from leadership and be able to ask some direct questions about the state of the Chaplain Corps and what the future may hold, and any other areas they’d like to address.”