Technical sergeant promotion release delayed to allow system validation Published May 21, 2015 Secretary of the Air Force Public Affairs WASHINGTON (AFNS) -- Technical sergeant promotion selection results, originally scheduled for release May 28, will be delayed to enable the Air Force to continue to validate extensive system changes to the Weighted Airman Promotion System, officials announced. The 2015 technical sergeant promotion cycle is the first to incorporate recent changes in the enlisted evaluation report and promotion system. Recent alterations affecting this promotion cycle include changes in the WAPS calculation, revised points for time-in-service and time-in-grade, EPR point value of 250 points, and the inclusion of up to the last three EPRs of personnel with weighted factors since becoming TIS/TIG eligible for promotion. "Because changes to the process are significant, we are testing every aspect of the system to ensure accuracy," said Lt. Gen. Sam Cox, the Air Force deputy chief of staff for manpower, personnel and services. "Anticipated sew-on dates for this list will begin in August and therefore the delay will not affect actual promotion dates. Airmen who are selected for technical sergeant will still sew on based on their line number and in sync with the normal cycle." Once the validation is complete, Air Force officials will announce the promotion results release date on and In addition, Airmen can monitor myPers for updates.